Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Practice Exam 2024 - Free Ophthalmic Assistant Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What is the most widely used method of visual field screening that requires no special equipment?

Automated perimetry

Confrontation testing

Confrontation testing is the most widely used method of visual field screening that requires no special equipment. It involves comparing the patient's visual field to the examiner's visual field, usually by moving fingers or objects in various areas of the visual field. This method is quick, easy, and can be done in a variety of settings to provide a basic assessment of the patient's visual field. Automated perimetry (choice A) and Humphrey perimetry (choice C) are more advanced methods of visual field testing that require specialized equipment. Automated perimetry typically involves a machine that tests the patient's visual field using light stimuli, while Humphrey perimetry is a specific type of automated perimetry that is commonly used in clinical settings. The Schirmer test (choice D) is a test used to measure the production of tears and assess for dry eye syndrome, which is not related to visual field screening.

Humphrey perimetry

Schirmer test


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